A child that age 0-3 years old has a mind that is super absorbent and extremely active and some experts say is genius like. From age 3-6 it takes little effort, great potential and learning skill can be easily developed. But when a child reach the age of 6-8 years old, more work and effort will be required to develop the brain capabilities.
How do we maximize the learning potential of a child's mind during his most absorbent years that can help develop a lifetime enthusiasm and eagerness in learning? How do use games to educate children and create a learning environment that filled with joy, love and laughter? How do we equally develop the left and right brain in balance to achieve the best educational learning ability?
Glenn Doman is a child educational expert who pioneered in the learning and development of a child left and right brain in order to build his intelligence. Flash cards provide a strong image capture in a child's mind that in his subconscious mind, the image or words are in bedded in the mind with little effort. This flashing of image or words cards method, proven effectively develop and open a child's left and right brain at a very early stage when the brain is still at development stage when harming the normal development of a child's mind.
There are some videos from youtube on the right that show how powerful the Glenn Doman's method in teaching and aid in the development of a super genius. Hope all residents who have children enjoy the video.